Rodoula Pappa, Lisa D'Andrea
The circle of life through the “eyes” of a dandelion seed.
Through concise text filled with emotion we experience the wonder, joy and hardships a little seed goes through in its journey. Brightly colored images bring the seed’s journey to life.
We see the little seed carried by the wind from its flower bed, across fields and forests to city parks. The stunning artwork is filled with life and the feeling of awe at nature’s resilience and beauty.
Little readers learn about the four seasons and the life cycle of plants. We discover that nothing truly ends. We are all part of the circle of life. To be born, to transform, to die and be reborn again.
About the authors:
RODOULA PAPPA is a writer and translator of children’s books. Her books The boy with the tree (2012), On puppy’s nose, a grasshopper (2017) and This is how books are made (2019) were awarded with the Greek National Book Prize and she has received the Greek IBBY for This is how books are made (2019)
and Aesop’s fables (2021). She is co-founder of the Volatilium and Tsalapeteinos children’s books imprints.
LISA D’ANDREA lives and works in Padua, Italy. She spent her childhood in Friuli, northern Italy, and she has devoted herself to drawing and painting ever since. She graduated from the International School of Comics in Padua. Her work has been selected by national illustration contests such as Pinocchio e il viaggio organized by Museo Luzzati in Genoa, where she was awarded the honourable mention of the jury, and the illustration contest I colori del sacro at Museo Diocesano in Padua. In 2016 she took part in a traveling collective exhibition for the 150th anniversary of Alice’s adventures in Wonderland. She has published 3 books with Topipittori in Italy.

Volatilium is the international picture books offshoot of Nefeli Publishing, an established Greek publisher specializing in literary fiction, theatre, history, and art theory since 1979.
Volatilium is also the younger sibling of Tsalapeteinos, Nefeli’s acclaimed picture books imprint launched in 2009. Tsalapeteinos has published works by renowned authors and illustrators like Wolf Erlbruch, Hervé Tullet, Marianne Dubuc, Erin E. Stead, Christoph Niemann, Greg Pizzoli, Célia Chauffrey and Émile Jadoul among others.
Volatilium is committed to presenting high quality picture books to a wide international audience.